Student Voice Update – Student Voice club had their first meeting at lunch on Thursday. Student Voice has selected the Virtue of the Month for September as Respect. They also decided that our September Spirit Day will be held in conjunction with the Terry Fox Run on September 27. Each student will receive a Cambrian Heights T-shirt that is stored at the school for Community Activity Days, so we will show our school spirit by wearing them during the Terry Fox Run. Student voice brainstormed suggestions for CAD activities and lunchtime clubs.
TERRY FOX RUN – Cambrian Heights School will recognize Terry Fox Day on September 27, 2019. Students will gather for a short presentation in the gym, and proceed outside to the school yard for an approximately 20 minute run or walk. Students are welcome to bring a donation on September 27 if they wish. We recommend a “Twoonie for Terry” if you wish.
CAD Days – Community Activity Days (CAD days) will resume in October in a similar format to last year. CAD days are special Friday activity days when we don our Cambrian Heights T-Shirts and take option courses such as photography, robotics, coding, art appreciation, and fairy tale writing with a STEM twist. More information on this will be upcoming!