Students in The Class Program have been practicing Positive Self Talk.
Practicing self-talk out loud might seem silly at times, but you have to change your words before you can really change the silent thinking in your head.
Self-talk is the inner voice that goes on inside our heads throughout our waking hours. Positive self-talk is when we talk to ourselves in a reassuring, kind, and more optimistic way. Positive self-talk can have a big impact on how we think and feel. Over time, engaging in more positive self-talk can help reduce stress, improve self-esteem, increase motivation, inspire productivity, and improve overall mental and physical health.
During our wellness lessons, we have been exploring various texts that help students understand the benefits to positive self-talk.
Students brainstormed 6 positive affirmations about themselves, and worked on creating their own "Positive Pocket Posies." These little reminders will be folded up, kept in our pockets, and accessed when we are feeling blue.